About Aleisha

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Ruapehu te maunga
Ko Whanganui te awa
Ko Aotea te waka
Ko Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi te iwi
Ko Ngapuwaiwaha te marae
Nō Taumarunui me Cambodia me India au
Kei te noho au ki Te Whanganui-a-Tara
Ko Amohia tōku whānau
Ko Aleisha tōku ingoa


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aleishaamohia/

Email: aleisha@catalyst.net.nz


Aleisha Amohia (Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi) (she/her) is a passionate young advocate for diversity and equity in all spaces, sparked by her experiences as a young Māori-Asian woman in the technology industry.

Aleisha is a Technical Lead at Catalyst IT, an open source software company, where she started out as an intern in 2014. She is a Victoria University of Wellington graduate with a Bachelor of Science (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence) and a Bachelor of Commerce (Management and Information Systems).

Aleisha is also actively involved in community organisations, with past or present links to the National Council of Women New Zealand, Wellington Alliance Against Sexual Violence, InternetNZ, Victoria University of Wellington Women in Tech, YWCA Greater Wellington, and more.

Born and raised in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Aleisha is the eldest of four children, and their family has a dog named Cassie. Aleisha is extremely proud of her Māori-Asian whakapapa and is on active journey to explore her identity and heritage. She also loves sport, music, travel, food, and wine.


Trustee, Tūhura Tech (voluntary)

Since August 2024

Tūhura Tech is a group of tech-savvy and education-focused individuals who saw a need for better technology education resources for students and schools in the Wellington area.

With a focus on quality and accessibility, Tūhura Tech offers a range of resources, including educational programs and workshops, designed to meet the needs of students and schools.

Non-government organisation delegate to the New Zealand Government Delegation at the sixty-eigth session of the Commission on the Status of Women

11 March to 22 March 2024

The Commission on the Status of Women is the highest-level annual international forum on gender equality and women’s empowerment. The forum tackles a priority theme and a review theme that changes annually. This year’s themes are:

  • Priority theme: Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective.
  • Review theme: Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls (agreed conclusions of the sixty-third session).

The NGO delegate is an important member of the delegation and will be involved in:

  • providing advice from an NGO perspective
  • sharing expertise relevant to the themes
  • acting as a liaison point between New Zealand NGOs and the delegation
  • attending specified sessions and diplomatic functions as an official member of the delegation.

Trustee, Innovative Young Minds (voluntary)

Since September 2023

The Innovative Young Minds (IYM) programme is designed to encourage young women to explore science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and high-tech manufacturing – fields we call the STEMM sector.

Aleisha provides a young, Indigenous perspective to the IYM operations. Her experience as a software developer working directly within the sector is also valuable in this space.

Board Member, Wellington Alliance Against Sexual Violence (voluntary)

Since March 2021

The Wellington Alliance Against Sexual Violence (WAASV) is a coalition of community organisations and individuals who are advocating for a city free from sexual violence.

Aleisha helped to organise the rally that launched the WAASV campaign, particularly with social media and communications. She continues to support the organisation through looking after administrative tasks and managing social media.

President, Wellington Branch, National Council of Women New Zealand (voluntary)

Since November 2019

NCWNZ is an umbrella organisation working towards true gender equality in Aotearoa New Zealand. Established in 1896, NCWNZ have 14 branches and more than 200 organisations, as well as individuals, as members.

Aleisha has held various roles on the Wellington Branch Executive since joining in November 2019. She was Secretary for a few months, then elected as Vice President, is now elected President. Her role involves representing NCWNZ Wellington Branch at stakeholder events and in media, speaking publicly at events, chairing monthly Branch meetings, overseeing and leading Branch projects and initiatives, and organising events and campaigns to support sister organisations and relevant causes.

Rōpū kohinga Technical Lead & Senior Software Developer, Catalyst IT

Since December 2014

Catalyst IT is an open source software company that provides open source solutions and training. Koha is an open source library system that originated in New Zealand in 1999, and is now used in over 15,000 libraries around the world.

Aleisha's role involves maintaining and developing Koha for Catalyst clients, contributing to the global Koha open source project, and mentoring high school students at the Catalyst Open Source Academy every Summer. She is also the lead of Catalyst Koha's technical team which involves providing mentoring and guidance to the team and leading strategic and technical decision-making.

Co-chair, Māori Design Group, InternetNZ

July 2021 to December 2022

A specialist Māori Design Group has been established to support InternetNZ to deepen its understanding of te Ao Māori and improve Māori relationships and outcomes. The Māori Design Group will work alongside InternetNZ’s council to better consider āhuatanga and tirohanga Māori.

Establishing Board Member, YWCA Wellington (voluntary)

April 2021 to March 2023

Aleisha is helping to reestablish the YWCA Wellington, with plans to set up a community fund for local women's groups and initiatives.

Secretary, Victoria University Netball Club (voluntary)

November 2017 to November 2019

The Victoria University Netball Club (Team Vic Netball) is the largest club in the Wellington Netball Competition with over 200 members.

Aleisha held various roles over the years, including Social Officer, Club Captain, and Secretary. She organised many events for the club, managed their social media channels and communications, and managed all administrative tasks.

President, Victoria University of Wellington Women in Tech (voluntary)

August 2017 to November 2019

VUWWIT is a group that improves support, representation and opportunities for women and gender diverse folk studying and working in Engineering and Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington.

Aleisha's role involved overseeing the day-to-day operations of the club, facilitating the organisation of events, and ensuring the Committee is working to satisfy the needs of members and maintain strong relationships with industry partners and sponsors.


Victoria University of Wellington

2015 to 2019

Bachelor of Science (BSc) - Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence

Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) - Management & Information Systems

Wellington East Girls' College

2011 to 2015

Technology Prefect 2015

Awards & Honours

Presentations & Speaking




More to be added...